I've been into Wii Sports Golf lately. The game is way too short (only 9 holes!?!) and feels like a demo*, but is still soothing. I pulled in a 3-under yesterday, and actually yelled out loud when I chipped in from the rough for a birdie.
Talk about thrilling... I tried out Resident Evil 4 last weekend at a friend's place. Wow. What a game! Scary and thrilling and creepy and challenging all at once. His fiance and the girlfriend were watching, and they starting screaming and shouting out for whoever was playing to "turn around" or "blow up that guy"... lots of fun. I'm thinking I might need to get it soon, but will wait at least until the last Harry Potter book is history.
Speaking of Harry Potter, the motion controls look fun (use the Wiimote as a wand), but aside from the mediocre reviews, there is really only one key reason behind my decision not to buy the game.
And back to games in my future (woohoo - segway #3!). I plan on buying Mario Strikers Charged when it comes out at the end of the month. Online play, here I come! I'm also considering getting Alien Syndrome - looks like revamped old-school, co-op, blow-stuff-up style fun. Other than that, the only games strongly on my Wii-dar are Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart (next year, but yes!) and probably either Tiger Woods 2008 or Super Swing Golf 2. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption looks gorgeous, but I'm still in denial about the lack of online play.
[* A friend told me last week that the 9 holes for Wii golf are 3d versions of the the original, 2d, NES Golf, where they were the back 9. Who knew? He did, that's who - an addict for all things golf.]
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Nice chip-in!
11:42 AM
Harry Potter,
video games,
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